
Graduate Student

The Srivatsan Lab takes students in the MCB and GS graduate departments at the University of Washington. If your department or graduate program allows for rotations at the Fred Hutch or with affiliate faculty, please get in touch and we'll see what we can do.

Rotation Structure

  • Rotations are typically 10 weeks long (University of Washington is on the quarter system)
  • Rotation projects will be chosen to blend interests of the lab, mentor availability and student's interests.
  • Scheduled weekly meetings with Sanjay to update on research, career stuff etc...
  • Initial short lab meeting (5 min) to introduce rotation project and self.
  • Final lab meeting presentation to prepare for department presentations.

To speak with Sanjay's prior mentees and collaborators, please reach out to Sanjay for a list of folks and their contact information.


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